Monday, September 22, 2008

Cape Town!

*Photos (in order): guinea fowl; an African penguin; me dipping my feet in the ocean; the view from our hotel; baboons enjoying the view at Cape Point; me at the Cape of Good Hope

We have been in Cape Town almost three days, and I have yet to share my thoughts. We have seen a lot since our arrival - the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Point in the Table Mt. National Park, African penguins at Bolder Beach, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, a sunset from the top of Table Mountain, the Green Point market, and Robben Island. Phew! It goes without saying that this city is stunning. The people and the politics are fascinating - especially since Mbkei stepped down two days ago.

A few highlights:

Our two tour guides on Robben Island were amazing. Youssaf Mohammed,who gave our bus tour, worked with Robert Sobukwe and the PAC, and the gentleman who gave our tour of the prison served a 10-year sentence at Robben Island for violating the Terrorism Act (he left the country and was trained in urban guerrilla warfare and then snuck back into South Africa to fight apartheid). Their stories were shocking and powerful, and it was an honor to meet both of them.

Last night we had dinner at the home of a local family that lives in a predominantly Coloured neighborhood. We discussed everything from politics to education to commuting to issues of race in both of our countries. This is the sort of experience that I really value - getting off the tourist bus and chatting with people about their lives. Only then do you really connect with a country; moreover, those are the moments that confirm the fact that we are all humans with the same concerns and desires.

To be continued...

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